Thursday, March 7, 2013

Happy Women's Day

This image pissed me off. This is NOT empowering. This is the exact amount of crap that women are willingly filling their brains with. I'd love it if they follow the point "E", "I" or "B". Its the remaining letters that worry me.
Point "Z":
"Zero challenges means Zero growth" is the best part of the point. But why the reference to diamond??? Deers and other renowned stupid animals get attracted or distracted  by shiny objects. This stupid obsession over shiny shit like Gold or diamonds is precisely why all hell breaks lose.

Point "U":
There is no fucking thing called beauty. Leonardo Davinci drew pictures of old people who are as per advertising standards look like shit. But its art and its beautiful. The only beauty in reality is the real objects and the natural way things are. Let me explain this in a proper example.
If I get praised for being the only guy to be born with certain features it' make me happy. Because
a. I'm being considered greater than others. and
b. I didn't have to work for it. It came freely.
After a while I would be walking around as if I'm superior than anybody and hardly contributing any work. The same applies to women. They are praised for being "BEAUTIFUL". What the FUCK is that? Who the fuck is the authority on calling anything beautiful or not. Lets take the theist version here. According to many, God couldn't be everywhere so he created Mothers. So it means that Mom is the franchise owner for Godly services per house. And it is said that "to a mother her children are the most beautiful in the world". "A mother will love her children even if they are in a literal pile of shit". So the foremost authority(God) now proclaims that every child is beautiful who the fuck is this Motherfucker who goes around telling who is more beautiful than someone else?

Women of the world, if you want equal rights and opportunities get off the fucking beauty wagon. It is SHIT. And that is precisely what leads people to screw you up. I mean that literally and figuratively.

Point Y:
Nobody was fucking stopping you in the first place. Go out there damn it and get it. But if you fill your mind with all the crap thats on TV then your dreams will also be piles of CRAP. And pursuing CRAP is even more CRAPPY.

What the fuck is this? You ask why men feel like they own you? This is why. We buy crap too. Ever wonder why a man feels like buying a big ass bike or car? But buying is not part of our life and neither should be yours. And when you divorce and take nearly everything, we HATE you. You want respect and leverage then learn how to save and control money.

Imagine a society where for ages women haven't been praised for being beautiful, but praised every time they worked and praised even more when they worked well.No man was obsessed about a woman's body parts and no fruits and vegetables were thrown at them in movies.That would be a society were a woman wouldn't get raped. That would be a society where a woman gets her due appreciation of work. That would be a society free of fears, insecurities and mayhem.

Work Hard, have fun and have a better tomorrow. Happy Women's Day.

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