Sunday, December 13, 2009


Did you ever had a moment to save face or lose miserably? Did you ever pray to gods on your knees asking him "Oh God! Let this shit work I won't ask anything else, except for a hot wife, cool car and bigger equipment". I recently had one. Not surprisingly it went south. Learned a few important lessons. Those were the lessons I hoped I never had to hear from. I was given an assignment and I failed in completing it.

A day of remorse and repenting and punching the wall fifteen times later, "I gotta get my act staight" was the thought. My friend Preneeth says, "there is no process to be happy or getting what you want. If you want to be happy just be happy. If you wanna meet a deadline then meet it. If wanna be efficient be efficient. There are no clues , no short cuts. JUST BE".

And thats the bloody truth. If I only wanted to do work right I could have done it. Heck! I could've done it much better. But I didn't. I thought too much about it, got tensed, got terrified. Screwed the whole thing up single handedly. Wished I had anothr leg to kick my own ass (this is not a request, anyone trying to act on this will receive one from me).

Tried preneeth's theory in the badminton game today and it worked. Thought of playing the game and I played better than usual. Usually I think of all the permutations and combinations and how my Dad would feel when I lose in front him etc., all that crap screwed my game up. To play all you need is your wish to play good. To feel good all you need is feel good. Hope I continue this and get some good rep.

PS: title refers to a song by AC/DC. "Its long way to the top. If you wanna Rock 'n Roll"

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