Sunday, April 18, 2010

IPL Zindabad ?

I purposefully try to not give Cricket my sole attention when it comes to sport. I believe we should treat all sports and games equal (even if it is as slow as Golf, no offense). I don't like 20-20 cricket. I like the ODI format. ODI and TEST cricket needs proper cricket athletes. 'coz only they have the stamina to play for so long with good skill and a good control on nerves. Thats a good sporting challenge.

Coming to the point that intrigues me the most is the money part of IPL. If people can spend thousands of crores of rupees that publically then they could've been paying relative amounts of taxes to justify this expenditure. If they are spending so much in taxes, then what is the government doing with such freakish amounts of money. We have been looted of such incredible amounts of money all this time. 37% of our have been successfully screwed. We could be next if we don't act fast.Isnt tax from many such freakishly rich people who can afford to buy those IPL teams enough to get atleast 10% of that 37% out of poverty. If we consider those poor 37% of our population as people who beg from others, then our politicians and bureaucrats have been stealing from them. The whole country is getting ravaged by few people who have power.

Power if you really think about it, does not exist. Money is something we created. One person do not have to kill another person on the orders of the rich. Our duty today is to build a society of people who see money for what it is. Money is nothing but a medium to barter things thats it and nothing more. We have to raise future generations with proper ethics and standards that would eventually wipe out this shit off of our land. Lets work hard, honestly, sincerely and more importantly in a unbiased way. Lets wipe out cheap thoughts of race,caste etc from minds of people to the level that only history books should speak of caste and creed. Lets show the cheap assholes who are too proud of their caste or surnames where they stand.

"Be a Human. Do the Right Thing" (an abridged version of Russell Peters Famous dialogue).

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Recently I've had the privilege of someone telling me to stop blogging. And that someone (the comment was posted anonymous and so I'm maintaining the anonymity) also said what I wrote was terrible. And he/she/it was right. I wrote for the sake of writing something and that was wrong. It was like the padma awards. Our government gives away the padma awards for the sake of just giving them away as a ritual but not because it thinks the recipients deserve them.

Honestly, what the hell did saif ali khan do? And many more such people. They did some work alright, but do they truly deserve the awards. What was the reason? "If obama can get noble prize I can get bharatha ratna"? In the recent past we've been witnesses of many slaps. slaps in the face of democracy. Netas shamelessly saying "we don't have money to give an exgratia to the victims of a tragedy .But we do have enough money to make freakishly big garlands of Rs.1000 notes".

The padma awards and the bharath ratna should be given to people who truly deserve them not just because its that time of the year. Today any jackass with his freakishly unbelievable amounts can buy any award. Can anyone ever honestly say that everyone who got the padma awards or the bharath ratna are in the same league as Mother Teresa or MS Subbalakshmi? Getting a trophy doesn't make a winner. Getting an award doesn't make any one a great person. The world knows the truth. The likes of Mother Teresa do not need an award for people to know how great they actually were and are.